Where families in the Lehigh Valley learn about local events, connect with various resources and find support groups.


Lehigh Valley Schools:

Allentown Arts Academy Elementary Charter School

Executive Education Academy Charter School

Innovative Arts Academy

Insight Pennsylvania Cyber Charter School

Lincoln Leadership Academy Charter School

Meridian Academy

PA Cyber Charter School

Local Lehigh Valley Resources:

The Advocacy Alliance

The mission is to promote mental well-being, support recovery for adults who have a mental illness, resiliency in children and adolescents who have emotional disorders and everyday lives for persons who have developmental disabilities and provide to them advocacy and culturally competent services.

Art Therapy Associates


Qualifications for services for special needs children.

Big Brothers/Big Sisters of the Lehigh Valley, Inc.

Provides male/female role models for children ages 7-14.  The program focuses on friendship rather than activities.  Volunteers must be 18 years old and a resident of Lehigh/Northampton counties.  Volunteers interact with children 3-6 hours per week for a minimum of one year.  The children must come from a single parent home.  There is a minimum of a one year wait list for boys due to the lack of male volunteers.  The wait list is shorter for girls.

Café Esperanza

A community gathering point in a restaurant setting, which provides space for art, music, education, and even job-training.

Camelot for Children

A gathering place for children who are seriously, chronically, or terminally ill or disabled and for their families to share experiences and information.

Camp Lilly

A six-week summer day camp for children ages eight to twenty-one, with and without special needs. Monday – Friday from 9AM – 3:00 PM.

Child Care Information Services

A private, non-profit agency, incorporated in 1993.  The mission is to assist families in obtaining and sustaining quality child care.

CIS Foundation

Serves children from economically disadvantaged families with special needs in Pennsylvania by providing them with necessary adaptive and durable medical equipment.

Closet of Hope

A Lower Macungie based business specializing in the free distribution of clothing, accessories and home items for women and families in the community.

Community Bike Works

Teaches life lessons through bicycles to the young people of Allentown and the Lehigh Valley who could benefit most.

Community Meals

Free community meals from 4-6, every 3rd Tuesday, all year round.

Community Resources

A comprehensive listing of phone numbers for a variety of services for families and children in the Lehigh Valley.

Community Resources (Spanish)

A comprehensive listing of phone numbers for a variety of services for families and children in the Lehigh Valley.

Community Services for Children

Exemplifies excellence in early learning, providing inspiration and leadership that engages our communities to put children first.

Community Services for Children Resource Booklet (2023-2024)

Daycare Listings (Berks County)

Daycare Listings (Lehigh County)

Daycare Listings (Northampton County)

Discount Prescription Card (pdf)

Discount Prescription Card (2) (pdf)

Dream Come True

Promotes and enriches the lives of children who are seriously, chronically or terminally ill by offering children the chance to hope, dream and live their fantasies.

Essentials Cafe

A pay-what-you-can community cafe.

Fit Inside & Out Housewife

Free After School Meals

For Children 18 years or younger.

Fresh Food Bucks

For women who receive WIC.  Provides a dollar-for-dollar match to buy local, fresh fruits and vegetables.

Holiday Resources for the Lehigh Valley

A listing of locations for food baskets, Thanksgiving meals, and toy programs.

Home Safety Visits (Free) by the Allentown Health Bureau

Home Safety Visits (Free) by the Allentown Health Bureau (in Spanish)

Housing and Homeless Shelters

Lehigh County Food Banks

Lehigh County Office of Children and Youth

View information on abuse, neglect, helpful tips in dealing with stress, and links to other agencies.  The Lehigh County Office of Children and Youth is committed to protecting children from abuse and neglect, maintaining children in their own home and community, ensuring access to community-based services parents experiencing difficulty in caring for their children, preserving and stabilizing family life, and assuring that children have a permanent home.

Lehigh Valley Camps

A local online resource to help parents and care givers find both fun and educational camps for their children.

Lehigh Valley Family Activities and Resources

Lehigh Valley Outreach Depot

The vision of Lehigh Valley Outreach Depot is to be “the hands and feet of God,” whose sole purpose is to receive, store and provide useful goods to those who need help reestablishing their lives or business.


Provides the highest quality services to people needing specialized supports through the blending of professional knowledge, arts and skills in an environment of unconditional respect and dignity.

Education Task Force

Serves as a resource for children with all disabilities and their families in 13 school districts in Monroe, Northampton, and parts of Pike County.

M.I.R.A. Resources

Equipping Migrant, Immigrant, Refugee, and Asylee families with equitable resources to succeed.

Miracle League of Northampton County

Every child deserves a chance to play baseball. It’s more than playing a game. It is about making new friends, building self-esteem, and being just like other kids.

NAMI PA Lehigh Valley

A local nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of those affected by serious mental illness.

Northampton County Community Mediation and Eviction Diversion Program

Provider 50

Northampton County’s Service Agency Directory

Second Harvest Food Bank

Helping thousands of people who are struggling to put food on the table throughout a six-county service area.  They believe that no one should ever go hungry and that access to sufficient sources of nutritious food is essential to building sustainable healthy communities.

Special Hockey of the Lehigh Valley

A program that gives individuals with special needs and developmental difficulties the chance to play an amazing sport in a way that’s suited to their individual abilities.

Turning Point

A safe place where victims of abuse and their children can find refuge.  The mission is to work toward the elimination of domestic violence; increase community awareness of the problem; and empower victims of domestic violence by providing shelter and support services.

Turn the Page

Offers a collection of programs designed specifically for your child’s needs and goals through individualized and/or group experiences.  The program gives students the confidence and tools for academic and social growth.

Pennsylvania Resources:

Berks County Local Community Resources

Child Safety Seat Program at CHOP

The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia offers child car seats at no cost through its Child Safety Seat Program at CHOP. Anyone who cannot afford to buy a child safety seat can be referred to this program by a healthcare provider. To be eligible, you must be currently receiving public assistance and have a green EBT Access card.

Crisis Resources

Dental Providers for Special Needs Children in Eastern PA

Department of Human Services

Features information to help families and individuals find the resources they need to live healthier, happier lives; as well as offering providers valuable information to help them in their day to day activities providing care and services for Pennsylvanians.

Department of Human Services Information Referral Tool

This tool will help you and/or your caregiver to identify beneficial long term services and supports based on your specific needs.

Disabilities Rights Network of PA

To advance, protect, and advocate for the human, civil, and legal rights of Pennsylvanians with disabilities.

Delaware Valley Children’s Charity

Dedicated to bringing relief and assistance to children and families in need throughout the Delaware Valley.

Early Childhood Provider Search

Early Intervention Family Resources

Early Intervention Supports and Services: Facts for Families

Early Learning Resource Center

One-stop hubs for early education and child care needs.

Elks Home Service Program

Ending Hunger in Pennsylvania

Search for a local food pantry.

Family Digital Wellness

Strengthen families to raise healthy kids in a digital era.

Family Guide to Early Intervention

Gia Nicole Angel Foundation

Enhances the daily functioning of a child with special needs and his or her family by awarding assistance through the purchase of a specific item or items.


Provides guidance, advice, and support for grandparents raising grandchildren and other relative and non-relative Kinship Caregivers.

Lead and Healthy Homes Program

Comprehensive lead poisoning prevention, testing and control services targeting families and children in areas at high-risk for lead exposure.  Receive a free home visit including free healthy home supplies.

Magellan of PA

Behavioral health services.

Maternal & Family Health Services, Inc.

Family planning program, Women’s health program, nurse family partnership (nurse home visits for first time parents which begin during pregnancy and continues for 2 years after the child’s birth for women who meet income guidelines).  610-432-3455

Make A Wish

Make A Wish is looking for children to grant wishes to.

Medicaid Application


Resources for Special Kids in Pennsylvania.

Montgomery County 2018 Parent and Infant Resource Guide

Montgomery County Advocacy and Support Groups

Montgomery County Behavioral Health Services

Montgomery County Clothing and Food Resources

Parent-To-Parent of Pennsylvania

Network of parents (who have special needs children or adult children) who offer information, support, and advocacy to other parents/families who also have special needs children or adult children.  Assists families in locating support groups or develop new support groups.  Also offers conferences and trainings.

PA Developmental Disabilities Council

A group made up of people with disabilities, family members, advocates, and state department representatives who work to create favorable conditions for people with developmental disabilities and their families in the Commonwealth.

PA Access to Social Services (COMPASS)

An online application for Pennsylvanians to apply for many health and human service programs.

PA Child and Adolescent Service System Program (CASSP)

Committed to the development of a comprehensive, coordinated, and collaborative system of services for children and adolescents and their families with multi-system needs.

Pennsylvania Learning Standards for Early Childhood

PA Mental Health Consumers’ Association

A statewide member organization providing information, referrals and supports to people who are receiving services or in recovery from a mental illness in Pennsylvania.

PA Early Learning Resource Centers (ELRCs)

PA Head Start

PA Health and Human Services Portal

Your one-stop online guide to services, programs, agencies, and organizations in Pennsylvania, that are ready to help you.

PA Persevere (Spanish Version)

Free COVID-19 Crisis Counseling

Pennsylvania Early Intervention Services

Reading Emergency Rental Assistance Application

Rejoicing Spirits

An innovative ministry which reaches out to enrich the spiritual lives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, their families, friends and other supportive community members.

Shriner’s Hospital-Philadelphia

State-of-the-art medical care and family-centered approach for children with spinal cord injuries, as well as a host of orthopaedic and neuromusculoskeletal disorders and diseases.

Tablet/Tech Support

Tips for Accessing Help in PA

A directory of contacts covering a wide range of agencies and departments within the state.

Valley Youth House

Helping young people to build foundations for future growth and independence.

WIC–Women, Infants and Children

Vouchers for nutritious supplemental food, nutritional education and counseling, Farmer’s Market Nutrition Program, referrals to health and human services agencies.  Eligibility: pregnant women, new mothers and children under 5 years of age who meet income eligibility guidelines.

National Resources:

Addiction Resource

Find the Best Drug & Alcohol Rehab Center Near You.

American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

The leading national professional medical association dedicated to treating and improving the quality of life for children, adolescents, and families affected by mental, behavioral, or developmental disorders.  It is a membership based organization, composed of over 7,500 child and adolescent psychiatrists and other interested physicians. Its members actively research, evaluate, diagnose, and treat psychiatric disorders and pride themselves on giving direction to and responding quickly to new developments in addressing the health care needs of children and their families.

American Academy of Pediatrics

Welcome to the world of parenting!  Newborns are delightful–and tiring!  View parenting tips.

American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy

The American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT) is the professional association for the field of marriage and family therapy. They represent the professional interests of more than 50,000 marriage and family therapists throughout the United States, Canada and abroad.

Angel Food Ministries (pdf)

A non-profit, non-denominational organization dedicated to providing grocery relief and financial support to communities throughout the United States.

ARC of the United States

The Arc is the nation’s leading advocate for all people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families and the premier provider of the supports and services people want and need.

Aunt Bertha

Connecting people and programs.

Celebrate Calm

Celebrate Calm is a world-renowned educational organization that provides science-based training for educators, parents and children.

Child Abuse

A comprehensive resource bringing awareness and education in preventing child abuse and related issues.  Childabuse.com was created to support, inform and encourage those dealing with any aspect of child abuse, in a positive non-threatening environment.

Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD)

The nation’s leading non-profit organization serving individuals with AD/HD and their families. CHADD has over 16,000 members in 200 local chapters throughout the U.S. Chapters offer support for individuals, parents, teachers, professionals, and others.

Feeding America

The mission is to feed America’s hungry through a nationwide network of member food banks and engage our country in the fight to end hunger.

Free Legal Forms to Create, Download, and Use

National Institutes of Health

No Kid Hungry

US Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)


Accurate, reliable information about special education law, education law, and advocacy for children with disabilities.

Autism Resources:

A Glimpse of 16 Early Signs of Autism by 16 Months

4-H Sunshine Club (for youth 11-18 with mild autism) Brochure

4-H Sunshine Club (for youth 11-18 with mild autism) Letter

ABA in PA Initiative

ASERT PA Autism-Autism in PA

Pennsylvania’s leading source of autism-related resources and information.

Autism in Toddlers

Autism Speaks

Autism Speaks was founded in February 2005 by Bob and Suzanne Wright, grandparents of a child with autism. Their longtime friend Bernie Marcus donated $25 million to help financially launch the organization. Since then, Autism Speaks has grown into the nation’s largest autism science and advocacy organization, dedicated to funding research into the causes, prevention, treatments and a cure for autism; increasing awareness of autism spectrum disorders; and advocating for the needs of individuals with autism and their families. We are proud of what we’ve been able to accomplish and look forward to continued successes in the years ahead.

Autism Fact Sheet

Autism Fact Sheet (in a variety of languages)

Backyard Sanctuaries for Children with Disabilities (How to Build)

Center for AAC & Autism

The Center for AAC & Autism is dedicated to building awareness of the power of AAC to change the lives of children with autism by providing specialized clinical training to health care professionals, teachers, and parents…empowering clients and families with education, resources, and information…and supporting clinical research, to give all children the ability to speak their mind and heart and become engaged in their world.


Funded by the Dan Marino Foundation, the mission of Childnett.tv® is to reach out globally to families, clinicians, and educators through the internet to provide information related to autism and other neurological disorders. Viewers can watch personal stories, therapies, and the latest medical research 24 hours a day from home, work, or wherever high-speed internet access is available – all for free.

CHOP Autism Study

Children ages 18 months to 4 years and their parents

CHOP Autism Study

Children and adults are needed!

Communicating with an Autistic Child: A Parent’s Guide

Diapers (Free)

Contact your state insurance to inquire about this service.

Emotional Dysregulation in Residential Settings

How to support individuals who may be having trouble regulating their emotions.

Exploring Feeding Behavior in Autism

This tool kit is designed to help families affected by ASD understand eating behaviors, give guidance on how to address feeding issues, and review some common questions that families have about eating problems.

Free Haircuts for Children with Autism (in Kutztown)

Hasbro Toy Toolbox

Making play accessible: These supportive play tools provide a kind of structure that is critical to the way certain children manipulate concepts to understand play.

Love My Provider

This site includes a list of providers and services. The list is based on suggestions from parents and caregivers. You can search the list to find the kinds of services you are looking for to help you and your child.


An on-line tool designed to be administered by parents/care-givers to help assess risks for autism in children who may need a more thorough developmental evaluation.

Medicine Decision Aid

Should my child take medicine for challenging behavior?  A decision aid for parents of children with autism spectrum disorder.

Mission Autism Clinics

Helping children with autism achieve the next level of independence based on their unique needs and strengths.

My Autism Team

This site is a social network and support group. It is made just for individuals who care for children with autism.

Positively Autism

An Autism Newsletter with Free Articles, Resources, and Teaching Materials.

Project Lifesaver

Project Lifesaver International (PLI) helps provide rapid response to save lives and reduce potential for serious injury for adults and children who wander due to Alzheimer’s, Autism, Down Syndrome, dementia and other related disorders.

Resource Center for Autism (Indiana)

Safety Guide for People with Autism Spectrum Disorders

STAR (Sensory Therapies And Research) Center is the premier clinic for treatment of children and adults with sensory challenges. Each year, hundreds of families from around the world come to our Colorado treatment center for hope and help.

The National Professional Development Center on Autism Spectrum Disorder

Virtual Autism Diagnostic Evaluations for Kids

Visual Schedules

Behavior Health/Mental Health/Therapy Support Services:

Berks County Brief Treatment

Currently offered in Berks County, Behavioral Health Rehabilitative Services (BHRS) Brief Treatment is a mental health service for children and adolescents that is considered less intensive than “BHRS”, but more intensive than traditional outpatient therapy.

Bullying & Substance Abuse

Bullying transcends childish acts such as teasing, rough housing or joking around. It can be a dangerous activity with devastating physical and psychological effects.

Challenging Behavior

Ideas, templates and strategies for specially designed instruction for young children with challenging behavior.

High Fidelity Wraparound Resources

A process led by a facilitator where multiple systems come together with the child, youth, and family to create a highly individualized plan to address complex emotional needs.

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)

Real-time mental health support and guidance today and every day.

NAMI Basics for parents, caregivers and and family who provide care for youth.

Overcoming Your Low Self-Esteem

A Comprehensive Guide to overcoming your low self-esteem.

Positive Guidance Through the Ages

Positive Guidance is when we look at each situation through the lens of child development and guiding children’s behavior. By reframing the situation we can move beyond a reaction and towards a more effective response.

Project Aware

Search and connect to behavioral health, mental health, and other support services by zip code.

Project PEAK

A face to face/online early intervention family education program that is designed to target the issues of young children (age 3-5) exhibiting early behavioral symptoms of attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

The Progressions

Progressions follows Child Adolescent Service Program (CASSP) principles in services to children and adolescents. All of the services are: child centered, family focused, community based, multi-system, culturally competent, least restrictive; least intrusive.

Safe2Say Something

The program teaches youth and adults how to recognize warning signs and signals, especially within social media, from individuals who may be a threat to themselves or others and to “say something” BEFORE it is too late.

Stop Bullying

Teach kids how to identify bullying and how to stand up to it safely.

Supporting Infants and Toddlers with Challenging Behavior

The importance of the emotional and social development of infants and toddlers.

The Backpack Connection Series

Created to provide a way for teachers and parents/caregivers to work together to help young children develop social emotional skills and reduce challenging behavior.

Unconditional Child Care

Works with parents and child care providers to provide support and intervention for young children whose behavior in child care is difficult to manage.  Services and resources are brought to the child care program and to the family to help the child succeed in child care.

West End Counseling & Wellness

A holistic and integrative group practice offering counseling and psychological services to adults, children and teens.

Brain Development/Injuries:

Understanding the Effects of Maltreatment on Brain Development

Lauren’s Hope Foundation

An organization with a mission to enhance the lives of children with brain injuries.

Nurturing Brain Development from Birth to 3


The American Childhood Cancer Organization

ACCO is one of the largest grassroots, national organizations dedicated to improving the lives of children and adolescents with cancer and their families. They are strong advocates for our families in Washington D.C., they produce the highest quality materials on childhood cancer, and they have over 40 local affiliate organizations across the country providing direct services to the families in their communities.

Mesothelioma Prognosis

Prognosis information for mesothelioma cancer patients, including ways to improve prognosis.

The Mesothelioma Group-Scholarship Opportunity

Stories can inspire and move people to action. Your story could change lives. Send in your essay today and help make strides toward a future of a hope – a future without cancer.

Cerebral Palsy:

Cerebral Palsy Guidance

Guidance and assistance to parents of a child with cerebral palsy.

Cerebral Palsy Support for Parents and Caregivers

Cerebral Palsy Symptoms

Learn all about Cerebral Palsy and other common birth injuries.

Developmental Delay:

My Child Without Limits

Developmental Delay Resources
DDR to meeting the needs of children with developmental delays in sensory, motor, language, social, and emotional areas. DDR integrates conventional and holistic approaches for parents and professionals who support children with special needs.

Child Development Review

Child Growth and Development

Understanding the Stages of a Child’s Growth and Development

Local Developmental Pediatricians

Do It Yourself:

Make Your Own Sidewalk Chalk

Down syndrome:

Eastern PA Down Syndrome Center

The Eastern Pennsylvania Down Syndrome Center is dedicated to the physical and mental well-being of ALL persons with Down syndrome and their families.

Gigi’s Playhouse

Down Syndrome Achievement Centers

Early Development/Education Resources:

2023-2024 Growing Strong Calendar

16 months of Tips and Activities for Enhancing Child Development

At-home Activities for Kids

Early Intervention Resources List

Great Read Alouds for Kids


Helping you track and encourage your child’s development.

Play and Learning

Pocket of Preschool

Ideas for teaching little learners.

Start with a Book

A summer reading and hands-on learning initiative from Reading Rockets.

Talking Is Teaching

Resources to promote early brain and language development.

The Inspired Treehouse

A blog that supports healthy development in kids through play.  Features easy-to implement activities that are designed to promote all kinds of developmental skills for kids.

US Dept. of Education: Talk, Read, and Sing Together Everyday!

What I Am Like

Provides caregivers an overview of the needs, communication abilities, basic understandings, and feelings for a child at each stage in development during the first 36 months.

Zero To Three

A national nonprofit organization that informs, trains and supports professionals, policymakers and parents in their efforts to improve the lives of infants and toddlers.


The Epilepsy Foundation of Eastern Pennsylvania

A nonprofit, 501(c)(3) voluntary health organization that provides education, support and advocacy for people with epilepsy and their families.

Foster Care:

Concern Foster Care

A nonprofit child welfare agency which has provided foster care, life skills, training and delinquency services to over 14,000 children and teens since 1978.

Families United Network, Inc.

A non-profit agency that works closely with over 50 county children and youth agencies throughout Pennsylvania providing quality foster care and adoption services, domestically and internationally.


A Son’s Deafness Prompts a Scientific Journey

Guide By Your Side

A state-wide program for families of infants and toddlers with hearing loss.  Click here for a contact form.  Click here for Information.  Click here for Information in Spanish.

John Tracy Clinic

Provides parent-centered services locally and globally to young children with hearing loss, offering families hope, guidance and encouragement.

My Baby’s Hearing

Parenting a Child who is Deaf or Hard of Hearing

PA Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Program

Sign It: ASL Made Easy

Touch Cues

West Chester University Speech and Hearing Clinic


CDC’s Amazing Books for Children

Infant and Child Development

A Descriptive Guide with Visual Aids

Milestone Tracker App

National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities

Learn the signs…act early!  Children develop at their own pace, so it’s impossible to tell exactly when your will learn a given skill.  The developmental milestones listed can give you a general idea of the changes you can expect as your child gets older.  There is also interactive tools and screening methods that allow you to view how a developmental milestone category (social, emotional, cognitive, or language) changes as a child grows.

US Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) Listing of Early Childhood Milestones

Skills such as taking a first step, smiling for the first time, and waving “bye bye” are called developmental milestones. Children reach milestones in how they play, learn, speak, behave, and move (crawling, walking, etc.).

Multiple Sclerosis:

Multiple Sclerosis Foundation

A comprehensive approach to helping people with MS maintain their health and well-being.  Offers programming and support to keep them self-sufficient and their homes safe, while the educational programs heighten public awareness and promote understanding about the disease.


All Babies Cry

Tried and true tips for comforting your newborn (and yourself).

Baby Center-Toddler

Toddlers are tricky — they’ve grown enough to have their own ideas and wants, but their bodies and emotions haven’t kept pace. Help for navigating the toddler years.

Born Learning (Carryover Activities for Parents)

A national public engagement campaign helping parents, caregivers and communities create early learning opportunities for young children.  It’s built on awareness, education and action.

Building Blocks for Babies

Fun activities that adults and young children can do together. Designed around the Key Learning Areas in Pennsylvania’s Learning Standards for Early Childhood, Build Blocks for Babies offer simple at-home experiences that build infants’ and toddlers’ learning in the areas of social, emotional, physical and academic development.

Feeding the Picky Eater: 17 Tips

Feeding Problems (pdf)

Just in Time Parenting

A resource for all parents starting prenatally and continuing through adolescence – with the key information that can help their family unit thrive and support their children as they grow up healthy and ready for success.


Web site offers a Parents Site (practical parenting information and news), a Kids Site (homework help and how the body works), and a Teen Site (answers, advice and straight talk).

Learning is Everywhere!

Making the Most of Playtime (pdf)

Parent Training Brief (pdf)

Parents Anonymous

Hotline for families in need of assistance in coping with daily stress. 1-800-448-4906

Parenting Strategies

Group meets the 2nd Wednesday of every month in the Pricilla Payne Hurd Education Center at St. Luke’s from 7:00-8:00 PM.

Project Child

Parenting classes.  A program of Valley Youth House.

Read Aloud

The Savvy Source

A parents resource created by parents…for parents.

Sensory Smarts

The definitive handbook for helping your child with sensory processing issues.

Super Duper Handy Handouts

Free, online informational newsletters for parents and teachers (on a variety of topics!).

Vision Resource

Weis 2 Go Online

On-line grocery ordering.  In 3 simple steps you can have your grocery order placed, with all the savings you would get in one of the stores, and available for pickup without you having to set foot in a single aisle!


Real talk, helpful information, and practical advice with parents of kids who have intellectual disabilities, Down syndrome, autism, language and speech delays, deafness, chronic illness, and traumatic brain injury.

Premature Babies:

Lily’s Hope Foundation

Supports babies, children and their families with unexpected and urgent needs due to premature birth.

March of Dimes

To improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality.


Children’s Sleep Guide

Healthy Sleep for New and Expecting Parents

How to Manage Screen Time and Bedtime

Speech Therapy:

11 Skills Toddlers Master Before Words Emerge

AAC Presentation

Teaching AAC is a team approach involving the Speech Therapist, teacher, instructional assistants and parents.

Expressive Language Milestones

Mommy Speech Therapy

blog to share some of the tips and techniques that have worked for me over the years in teaching kids to improve their speech and more effectively communicate. – See more at: http://mommyspeechtherapy.com/#sthash.arBmg7V8.dpuf

A blog of tips and techniques on early speech and language development posted by a Speech-Language Pathologist.

Oral Motor Developmental Milestones

Stuttering Prevention: A Manual for Parents

Stuttering Therapy

Tips for parents on how to respond in a supportive way to a child’s stuttering.

Teach Me to Talk

Helping Parents and Professionals Teach Toddlers to Understand and Use Language



A public health program, designed to ensure that eye and vision care becomes an essential part of infant wellness care to improve a child’s quality of life.

Torticollis Kids

We seek to ensure that parents get all the information available to them regarding torticollis and its appropriate treatment. We also want to provide support and an open forum for parents to discuss their situation and their needs.


Beyond Play

Offers an extensive selection of products for young children of all abilities – from infants and toddlers to children in the early elementary grades. A wide selection of fun and educational products in all areas of child development, as well as specialized products for early intervention and special needs. The catalog and web site are for professionals of all disciplines, as well as for parents and caregivers.


The National Child Traumatic Stress Network

The Truth about ACEs

Increasing awareness and understanding of the impact of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and the need to develop effective innovative interventions.

Resilience Guide for Parents and Teachers

Building resilience — the ability to adapt well to adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or even significant sources of stress — can help our children manage stress and feelings of anxiety and uncertainty.

Trauma Information Pages

A focus on emotional trauma and traumatic stress, including PTSD (Post-traumatic Stress Disorder) and dissociation, whether following individual traumatic experience(s) or a large-scale disaster.

Understanding the Impacts of Childhood Trauma


PA Vaccines for Children Program

Reliable Sources of Immunization Information

School Vaccination Information for Parents (English)

School Vaccination Information for Parents (Spanish)


APPS for Vision Development

Center for Vision Loss

Provides a comprehensive set of preventative, rehabilitative, support and social services enabling blind and visually impaired clients to achieve their personal goals and restore quality of life consistent with those goals.


A public health program, designed to ensure that eye and vision care becomes an essential part of infant wellness care to improve a child’s quality of life.

Sights for Hope

Transforms the lives of people with visual impairments in Pennsylvania’s Lehigh Valley and Monroe County by removing the barriers to their independence and success. Their services – which include life skills education, technology solutions, individualized support, vision screenings for children, and community education programs – promote self-sufficiency and inclusion.

Touch Cues

called Lehigh Valley Outreach Depot.  Their website is www.lvoutreachdepot.org