We all feel that pressure to be perfect–especially during the holidays. Please read this thoughtful and humorous article on motherhood. It’s OK to be who we are! What is your definition of a good mom? Please leave a comment and let us know!
What is OT1? According to the American Occupational Therapy Association Inc (2013) Occupational therapy is a way to “help people across the lifespan participate in the things they want and need to do through the use of everyday activities.” History of OT2: 1910’s: The first professional association for OT was […]
As my children get older the holidays really become a lot more fun. They are aware of why we celebrate Christmas and they are willing and able to create their list for Santa. The problem is ….the list never ends and they start creating one in October because they have […]
My adventures continued as I recently had my family stay from out of town. My cousin brought her husband and two children to spend time with my three children. We decided to road trip to The Big Apple! We were all very excited and headed out early in the morning […]
Article by:Dennine Leschinsky M.Ed. (Early Intervention Teacher and Mother of 3) Many parents ask this question during my sessions in Early Intervention. Children usually begin the transition to a bed between the ages of 1 and 1/2 and 3 years old. Most children begin sleeping in a bed around 3 […]